Friday 13 November 2015

Pitch presentation

On Monday, we pitched our artist and music video idea to the class and within this pitch we included who our artist is, what genre she falls under, how our mood board explained our genre, our target audience and what we included in our audience profiles. Once this was done, we then explained the concept of our music video and then went on to show our animatics. 

Once we finished the pitch, we received from both our class mates and our teacher. Below are the feedback sheets that we received: 

Many people in our class said that we needed to have a better animatic as we didn't have time to do a complete one. Also some people didn't think there was a narrative to our music video which is something that we are going to improve on. However, most people in the class thought we had clearly researched our genre and understood the codes and conventions of it. 

Below is our pitch:

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